COVID-19 Rules

*Any individual on the Meet premises recognizes in full being free of any COVID-19 symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, difficult breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, abnormal muscle pain, headache, sore throat, painful swallowing, runny nose, new loss of taste or smell, gastrointestinal illness), having not been in contact with or cared for someone with COVID-19, having not returned from a trip outside the country within the last 2 weeks and is not awaiting any COVID-19 test results.

The Risk Management coordinator is empowered to remove anyone from the premises if the sanitary rules are not being followed. In such a case, the Fédération de Natation du Québec will be mandatorily notified. If that person happens to be a swimmer, his or her team will have the responsibility to monitor that person outside of the premises of the pool area. If that person happens to be a coach, and that he or she is the only team’s representative, all swimmers of that team will be asked to leave.

Risk management owners

• The director of sports events, Joëlle Deslières, from Complexe Sportif Claude-Robillard has acknowledged the meet event and the COVID-19 protocol has been discussed in its entirety;
• The Risk Management coordinator position is being fulfilled by Emmanuel de Chancenotte;
• The COVID-19 rules and protocol being followed at the meet have been discussed entirely between the parties and have been reviewed to ensure proper alignment when diverging aspects were identified.

Vaccination Passport

• All swimmers 13 years old and more will be requested to show their vaccination passport as well as a valid ID (a photo ID must be shown for individuals of 16 years old+. Public health cards renewed during the COVID-19 pandemic without a photo are indeed accepted. For individuals of 75 years old+, ID cards without photographs are accepted).

Risk acceptance form

• All swimmers and coaches have already filled the Risk acceptance form which is filed with Swimming Canada. There is no need for them to complete the questionnaire once again
• All volunteers and officials will need to fill the Risk acceptance form before the meet takes place. The form is available online.

Sports Complex – Maximum Capacity and Zones Delimitations

A comprehensive plan of the pool area and deck is available at Annex 1 in order to explicitly detail the ways around.

The total overall maximum capacity of the premises (including swimmers, volunteers and officials) must not exceed 150 at all times.

Signs will be present on the premises in order to ease the flow around the pool.

Each team will be assigned its own zone in the stands area and it will stay as is throughout the meet; social distancing (2 m) must be followed at all times in that zone, otherwise wearing the mask will be mandatory.

Plan général de l’installation sportive:

Locker Rooms

The general distancing rules must be applied in the locker room. The men’s room, the women’s room and the family room will remain available in their full capacity, including lockers.

Pool Deck

The pool deck has the following maximum capacities:

• North Pool: meet area with 10 lanes with a maximum of 25 swimmers; at warm up time, the area is subdivided in sections D, E, F, with maximum of 75 swimmers
• South Pool: warm-up and cool down area subdivided in 3 sections A, B et C with a maximum of 75 swimmers
• In all the other zones, the sanitary measures must be followed: keep a 2 m distance or wear a mask.

For the warm-up period, each team will have its own section assigned (A, B, C, D, E or F). For cool-down, teams within section D will use section A. Teams within section E will use section B, and so forth.


No audience will be allowed in the stands while the meet runs. Stands will be the designated area for the teams’ zones. Athletes and coaches shall continually be returning to their team zone in order to make sure that maximum capacity of the pool and deck never goes beyond 150 people.

Meet Organization

• After warm-up , swimmers must return to their team zone
• When awaiting for an event, athletes must be in the activation zone and put their mask and other belonging in their bag
• After the event, athletes to recover the bag, put on their mask and return to their team zone
• Coaches must stay with their team; also, a dedicated zone for coaches by the pool will be set up.

Sanitary Rules

• A mask is mandatory for everyone (officials, volunteers, coaches, athletes) when moving around within the premises and when the social distance of 2 m is not possible
• Athletes may remove their mask before entering the water for warm-up, cool-down or an event
• Each athlete must have a bag to save their personal belongings (mask, sweater, …) right before an event
• Athletes may have snacks and lunches only in their own team zone
• Volunteers and officials will have a lunch box (breakfast and/or lunch) in a designated area.

Annex 1