
How to join the teams / Guest

Vous voulez devenir membre d’ACC ou participer temporairement à l’une de nos activités (natation ou water-polo)?

Nous vous invitons à bien lire les indications ci-dessous:

Inscription des membres

Un membre ne peut désormais s’inscrire qu’à temps plein et pour toute la session.

L’offre d’inscription à temps partiel (samedis seulement) n’est plus disponible et il n’est pas possible pour un membre de payer un entraînement à la fois. De plus, aucun rabais ne sera accordé à un membre qui désire s’inscrire une fois la session débutée.

À titre de rappel, la bourse Maurice Angers est toujours disponible pour les personnes moins nanties qui aimeraient se prévaloir d’une aide financière. Ces personnes peuvent faire une demande auprès du Conseil d’administration de façon confidentielle.

Invités (c’est-à-dire les non-membres du club)

MACC a toujours ouvert ses portes aux personnes de l’extérieur voulant participer à nos entraînements de façon temporaire et nous continuons d’accueillir ces nageurs et nageuses.

Un invité doit cependant remplir l’une des conditions suivantes pour participer à un entraînement:

  • aviser le club de sa visite au préalable en écrivant à l’adresse suivante:, et avoir reçu une confirmation du club l’autorisant à participer à l’entraînement; ou
  • être accompagné d’un membre qui participera au même entraînement; le membre avisera l’entraîneur de la présence de son invité.

Un invité n’ayant pas suivi l’une de ces règles se verra refuser l’accès à l’entraînement.

Une fois l’accès à l’entraînement accordé, l’invité pourra s’entraîner avec le club gratuitement pour une durée maximale de deux semaines. La période de deux semaines est une limite imposée par la Fédération de natation du Québec (FNQ) pour des questions d’assurance.

Fees/Rates Fall 2022  (coming soon)

All sports
(universal fee)
$— per term*. Allows you to participate in all workouts for all sports
+$— per year for swimming to cover basic affiliation fees (September to August), which allow one competition during the year
+$— per year for swimming if you plan to take part in more than one competition
+$— per year for water-polo to cover affiliation fees
(all workouts)
$— per term*
+$— per year to cover basic affiliation fees (September to August), which allow one competition during the year
+$— per year if you plan to take part in more than one competition
Water-polo $— per term*.
+$ 15,50 per year to cover affiliation fees.

* Note 1: The year is divided into 3 terms: fall, winter, summer.

** Note 2: Exact amount only. The coach won’t make change.

Financial assistance policy

No one will be refused membership because of financial hardship. Do not hesitate to send a message to Pierre-Luc Turgeon, our President, to make special arrangements:

Be assured that your request will be handled in a manner that respects your privacy and maintains the confidentiality of information.

On-line Registration

There are 4 possible alternatives:

  1. You are registering for the first time with À Contre-Courant: Introduce yourself to a coach or a member of the Board of Directors, who will take down your email address so we can create an online profile for you. You will then receive an email explaining how to go about registering online.
  2. You have already used the on-line registration system:
    1. Click on the following link:
    2. Enter your email address and your password
    3. Verify the information on your profile and update it if necessary
    4. Select the group you wish to join, then click “CONFIRM REGISTRATION”. You will receive your pre-registration and an invoice number.
    5. PAYMENT: Credit card (PAYPAL): You will receive a confirmation by email. Cheque or cash: Your registration will not be finalized until you give your payment along with your printed invoice to a coach or a member of the Board of Directors.
  3. You are an existing member of ACC who is using the on-line registration for the first time:
    1. Click on the following link:
    2. Enter your email address and click on: “Mot de passe perdu?/ Forget your password?”
    3. You will immediately receive a temporary password by email which will give you access to the on-line system. If you don’t receive this email, write to
    4. Verify your membership information and update it if necessary
    5. See 4 & 5 above.
  4. You wish to pay “as you go”: You must still begin by going to the registration site and affiliating for the current year (if you have not already done this).

For any other information, write to, or call 514 990-CLUB.



Registration requirements 

Please be aware that we are a training club and not a swimming school. Hence a swimmer must meet a few minimum requirements in terms of skills and stamina, so as to smoothly participate in our workouts. You need be able to meet at least 3 of the 4 following requirements: 

  1. Speed: swim 50 m crawl at a pace of 1 min 30 sec. (including breaks) 5 times in a row 
  2. Stamina: swim 300 m crawl in 8 minutes 
  3. Technique: swim without any stops each of the following: 100 m crawl, 100 m back stroke, 100 m breast stroke and 25 m butterfly 
  4. Be able to swim during the complete workout, including breaks and explanations, that is for 90 minutes 

A swimmer which has registered but does not meet these requirements will not be able to continue swimming with the club until the requirements are met. No refunds will be given for any lost training time. 

A swimmer which is not sure that he or she is meeting the requirements can attend a trial workout before registering and our coaches will be able to evaluate and confirm his or her swimming level. Please advise us beforehand at 

Water polo

Refer to the water polo page for more information.

General Rules and Regulations

The General Rules and Regulations of ACC, such as adopted during the annual general assembly of 21 October 2006, are available in PDF format at the following link (in French only):