As a member of ACC, what you experience is important.
Please note that the following two resources are supporting you if you are the victim of any form of abuse, harassment, violence, or neglect. You will be automatically directed to the appropriate resource(s) for each of the two sports – swimming and water polo. These resources will help you file a complaint. It is anonymous and available for sensitive situations that involve athletes, coaches, or members of boards of directors.
Resources for Swimmers
This link will direct you to resources made available by the Fédération de natation du Québec. You will find various helpful documents as well as a link to “Sport’Aide” to file a complaint.
Resources for Water-poloists
This link will direct you to resources made available by the fédération de water-polo Québec. You will find various helpful documents as well as a link to “Sport’Aide” to file a complaint.